High School Guidance

Graduation Requirements

Dear LPS Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum Wah Rahmatullahi Wah barakatuh,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.  My name is Dr. Manar Elkhaldi, the Dean at LPS.  I would like to review some essential information for high school graduation per FLDOE standards.

1) 24 CREDITS must be completed by May 1, 2024.  Such credits must COMPLY with FLDOE high school graduation standards (NO EXCEPTIONS):  

2) All students intending on graduating in any given year MUST have ONLY 5 to 6 Credits REMAINING from the ONSET of their ‘Senior’ Academic  Year (i.e., August 2023).  This means when students BEGIN the new LPS school year, they should just be concerned with completing the 5 to 6 Credits.  Such 5 to 6 Credits will be IN PROGRESS for the respective academic year (e.g., 2023-20224) NO EXCEPTIONS.

3) ALL approved-graduating students by Dr. Elkhaldi MUST complete ENGLISH III NO LATER than October 31, 2023 (NO EXCEPTIONS).

4) ALL approved-graduating students by Dr. Elkhaldi MUST complete 100 Community Service Hours with the approved form and documentation.  ALL community service choices must be PRE-APPROVED by Dr. Elkhaldi (NO EXCEPTIONS).

I will review in detail all these requirements again during the annual high school meeting (TBA), InshaAllah, and will reiterate the information when I conduct the high school information session with the students’ parents or legal guardians (TBA).

Please keep in mind that University and college acceptance has become very competitive and the FLDOE is stressing student readiness prior to applying to post-secondary institutions.  I aim to uphold these standards by ensuring ALL those who qualify will have the tools to successfully complete their university applications accurately and correctly.  

Thank you in advance for your time.


Dr. Manar Elkhaldi, Ph.D.

Dean of StudentsDirector of LPS Online

F.L.V.S Expectations

 I would like to summarize the FLVS expectations once a student enrolls in an FLVS course.

Kindly follow up with your child(ren)’s progress as they are required to submit three or more assignments per week.  Thank you in advance for your time and have a blessed Friday.


I would like to elaborate on the PSAT enrollment process since LPS does not administer the Exam. Therefore, LPS students are grouped under Homeschooled Students since we do not proctor the Exam. Students may go https://ordering.collegeboard.org/testordering/publicSearch to locate a conveniently located school to take the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test taken by 11th-12th Graders only).  You may call the school of your choice to learn about their registration and fee payment process.  9th and 10th Grade students may follow the same process but take either the PSAT 8/9 https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-8-9 or PSAT 10 https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/taking-the-tests (numeric value reflects grade level).  

Good luck on their next step toward a successful year, InshaAllah.